Monday, January 17, 2011

Tagged With Blog Awards!

I've been tagged!! I feel so lucky to be recognized by these awesome ladies - Tracey from GingerKittyDesigns, Miranda from Mirannie's Nails, and Cheryl from Legally Polished. Check out their blogs - Tracey has the coolest jewelry designs, Cheryl is so creative with layering and nail art (see the Sesame Street mani), and Miranda knows how to show off all the angles of those duochromes!

I didn't even know what a blog award or tag was back in April when I was tagged with the Sunshine Award from How Doth The Little Crocodile. I've learned a few things since then, so this time I'm ready to play!!

~ The Stylish Blogger Award from Tracey and Miranda ~
The Stylish Blogger Award Rules
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

~ The Sunshine Award from SeeingSunshine ~ 
The Sunshine Award Rules
1. Post the logo within your blog or post.
2. Pass the award on to several other bloggers.
3. Link the nominees in your post.
4. Let the nominees know they have receivd the award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person whom you have received this award from.

~ The Blog Award from Cheryl ~

The Blog Award Rules
1. Post about this award and copy the rules.
2. Link to the person that tagged you.
3. Choose 3-5 blogs you would like to tag and link to them, too.
3. Leave them a comment on their blog to notify them.
Important: This award is for unknown blogs, so don't tag a blog with 3000+ readers :)

Cheryl also added - I'm also going to change the rules a little, all bloggers that I tag must answer these 3 questions.

So here are the 7 things about myself, starting with her 3 questions:
1. When and how did you start your love for polish?
My favorite aunt used to give me manicures when I was little. After I played outside all day, I'd come inside and get to sit down with her. It was such a special ritual for me to have my nails cleaned and prettied up into "girl hands." I've loved polish since I could remember, but I really got back into it in high school. It's an escape I give myself to relax and get away from a hectic schedule.

2. If you could choose to do anything in the world, what would it be? (Eg. Ski in the Alps, fly in a fighter jet, create a unicorn, etc.)
Travel around the entire world. Pack a few bags, grab our passports and a camera, and take off for a year to see everything!

3. What's your favourite love story?
How Adam & I fell in love! We met on the 1st day of grad school and I could barely stand him - heck, he's from Jersey so I could barely understand him - the 1st year we knew each other. But we got to be better friends and, by our 2nd year of grad school, I realized I couldn't stand to go a day without him. I could go into more sentimental, mushy, schmaltzy details but you get the idea of how this is my favorite love story.

4. Adam & I adopted our 1st family dog from North Shore Animal League in September 2009. Suzette is a toy poodle they rescued from a puppy mill. She's about 6-8 years old now, only has 2 teeth left, and she's the absolute cutest thing ever. Ev-er!!
This is what she looked like after her 1st bath and 6 months later. Awww, Suzie!

5. I've been crocheting for over 20 years. My mom and her mom know how to crochet, so they taught me when I was in 2nd grade. I played with scraps of random yarn making coasters or something until I was comfortable enough to make my 1st blanket when I was in 4th grade.

6. I'm a registered member of the Pascua Yaqui tribe. One day, I'd like to be fully trilingual in English, Spanish, and Yoeme.

7. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with minors in Sociology and Latin American Studies. I have a Master of Public Administration with a concentration in Local Government and Non-Profits. I swear I didn't get an education based on how many syllables could be squeezed in the title! For now, I work in Human Resources for the Department of Education, but I would love to have a career in court administration.

Now to share 7 tags because I just shared 7 things about myself - many of the blogs I follow were recently tagged, but I'm still listing them here so I want to share their links!
1. The VeroBlog
2. LadyLuck Beauty Blog
3. Dizzy Nails
4. Nailspotting
5. Silence is Loud
6. Va-Va-Varnish
7. Playing With Polish

To my stylish and sunny taggers - Muchísimas Gracias!!!


  1. Thanks so much! Great love story by the way =] Very cute!

    Congrats on the awards!

  2. Suzie is a cutie! I am glad you guys brought her into your lives! :-)

    Thanks for the tag!

  3. Thank you sweetie :) What a cute dog!

  4. Yay!! I'm glad you guys liked the tags & our little Suzie. I enjoyed reading your posts a lot, too. Thanks again for the tag, Cheryl ;)
