Friday, February 11, 2011

BIG News & Fun Friday Giveaway!

What happened last week?  What's going on?  Well.... I moved to New York on February 25, 2008... and on February 25, 2011, we'll be moving back to Arizona!!  How crazy is that?!  Three years exactly?!

My husband got an excellent job offer and now we're rushing around trying to get ready for the big cross-country move - packing, finding a place, wrapping up things at our current jobs. Boy, packing wreaks havoc on nails with all of the tape and moving unwieldy boxes. Ugh!

That doesn't mean that I can't celebrate all of my fabulous followers, though - I have over 50 now! So now it's time to take a break from all the moving details and have some fun this Friday with a little giveaway :)

Winter blues are the worst, but blue polishes are a different story, so... 

I'm giving away some of the loveliest blue polishes released this winter!
Revlon Top Speed Royal, Hard Candy Sky, Revlon Galaxy


Funky Fingers Blitzen, Revlon Street Wear Midnight

I know Blitzen is more of a green & StreetWears are discontinued, but green-ish teal is a close cousin to blue and I just found this StreetWear this winter, so they still fit in the "theme" ;)

To enter this giveaway, please send an email to with Fun Friday Giveaway in the subject line. Include your name and the email address you'd like me to contact you at if you're the lucky winner.

You can earn an extra entry if you tweet about me or my giveaway (I'm Andi_Frise on Twitter). Just share the link with me in your email.

You don't have to be a follower to enter this giveaway, but, of course, I'd appreciate your follow.  I'd also like a friendly comment on any of my blog entries because I want to know what you think, what you like, what you want more of from Viva Polish! 

This giveaway is open to toda mi gente - US and Intenational!  It starts now, ends next Thursday, and the winner will be announced on Friday, 2/18.


  1. Congrats on the hubby's new job! And also congrats on hitting 50 followers! :D

  2. Congrats on the move! The winters will be less harsh I'm sure ;)

  3. wow! congrats on the new job.. i guess though it s lots of hassle, moving shall be refreshing =)

  4. Thanks for the giveaway. I love blue polish!
