Monday, May 16, 2011


My Current Range of Feelings:
BAD Blogger!  BAD! It's bad enough the PlayStation Network has been down forever and has been screwing with my ability to stream Netflix on our PS3 (I need my random old TV shows fix). As soon as the PSN comes back, Blogger has to go down? "Page Not Found. Error. Blogger Not Found." Networks need to stop breaking!

Where did my posts go, Blogger? Everything looked fine and then suddenly they were gone?! I found two of them hiding on random days and times but I'm still missing one. Does "Save" mean nothing? Does "Save" really mean "Lost forever in the internet ether"?

Where did some of the comments go? Why did you take them away, Blogger? I liked those comments.

I'm not going to linger on the negative - I'm going to push forward and focus on the positive! I also feel very...

~Happy, Grateful, Lucky to Know Some Awesome People!!~
Polish presents have been coming in like crazy. With this kind of generosity, I'm going to be able to get through this no-to-low buy period easily until I'm employed again.

My mom is keeping me stocked with new Revlons. Her most recent gifts - Not So Blueberry and Black Lingerie. My friends and family have been layering fiends since I've been back!

My husband is an excellent Easter basket maker - the best jelly beans, bunny peeps, and polish. This year, he treated me to some OPI.
Cuckoo For This Color, Houston, We Have A Purple, Meet Me On The Star Ferry

AND I just got an early birthday present from Katticus (she's a friend and a follower) this weekend. She worked some sales magic like crazy at her Ulta and sent me a ridiculous amount of polish from my Lemming List!
Lighthouse, Below Deck, Marley, Dannii, San Tan-Tonio, Too Hot Pink To Hold Em
I have to take it easy on my right hand due to a finger irritation/issue (meaning no daily polish changes), so I'll be playing with these for awhile. Everything is all soooo pretty!

I'll be making her some really nifty, crafty gift to send to Kat. I've been brainstorming and each idea gets more wild and creative, so who knows what will end up on her doorstep - be ready, Kat!

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