Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Catching Up - Intro

How is everyone? What polish are you wearing??

I really focused my job hunting efforts in July.  Since my education, actual work experience, and overall career goals don't perfectly line up right now, I had to spend a lot of time personalizing and tweaking my resume and cover letter before each submission because I was applying for a wide range of different positions.  When I was done applying for the day, I didn't want to type another word in front of my computer.

My hard work has paid off and I start a new job on Monday!!  The position feels like it'll be a perfect fit -  I get to use my administrative background while developing my professional public sector career skills.  I'm really looking forward to working with these people and now I can go back to fun-writing about polish!

To celebrate, I'm doing a week of special catching up posts.  This is stuff I didn't get a chance to share while I was job hunting - blog award, giveaway gifts, comparisons, new NOTDs... so Be Ready and Viva Polish!


  1. Just wanted to let you know I tagged you in the Butterfly Awards. hope you don’t mind if I post the link –

  2. Congratulations on the new job!
